Dr. Morairty has served on a variety of Mental Health boards in the Magic and Treasure Valleys. He was an employed physician at Portneuf Medical Center in Pocatello, ID prior to moving to Twin Falls, ID. As MEDICAL DIRECTOR, he led inpatient psychiatric hospital CanyonView at St. Luke's Magic Valley for ~5 years. He was also BEHAVIORAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT CHAIR at SLMV.
He is excited about the professional freedom that comes with having a private practice to have a broader outreach offering an alternative to the formal hospital-based healthcare system.
Dr. M. is a CHRISTIAN and tries to follow the ways of the Great Physician, JESUS CHRIST. While he does not discriminate against anyone based on gender, race, creed, sexuality, etc. He admits to a bias from this background and is eager to explore ways that faith intertwines with mental wellness with a patient if desired.
"Do not be anxious about anything" - Philippians 4:4


- University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) Medical Doctorate (completed in 2007).
- University of Michigan in Ann Arbor (UM)
Adult Psychiatry Residency (completed in 2011).
- University of Michigan in Ann Arbor (UM)
Geriatric Psychiatry Fellowship (completed in 2012).

Professional Affiliations

- Dr. Morairty is currently the immediate Past President of the Idaho Psychiatric Association. www.idahopsychiatric.org/
- He is a Preceptor and Adjunct Clinical Faculty for University of Washington (UW) School of Medicine and UW Psychiatry Department.
- Dr. Morairty serves as Preceptor and Guest Lecturer for the Idaho State University (ISU) Physician Assistant Program.
- Dr. Morairty has recently joined Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine (ICOM) in Meridian, Idaho as Preceptor for 3rd-year medical student rotations.